
Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

Have you ever got to a point in your life where you are looking for something beyond working 9-5? Beyond being a good parent, a good partner, beyond “success” even?

I am sure it wasn’t just because I was brought up on Dolly Parton and her song “9 to 5” which was played and sung repeatedly to brainwashing levels, that I think there is a better life!

Maybe its old age as I push the big 4 -0 or a mid-life crisis- but darn it; I want my life to mean something, I want to follow my dreams, I want to do something fulfilling!

It was with this thought in mind that I started to write in June last year. There are two main themes:


This blog is dedicated to my musings, a reflection of my life and thoughts having grown up in small town Aotearoa, - New Zealand.


Is a real time account of my family's journey as we embark on living a sustainable lifestyle by returning to our village block where we will take up arms in the form of garden tools.

I hope in sharing my life that others might be inspired to "give a fig" too or come and join us for a day or a stay in the village!.